iOS 14.3 / 14.2 / 14.0 Odyssey JAILBREAK Preparation: A13 / A14 FutureRestore RELEASED! UPDATE NOW!

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In this video, I have great news for those of you who have missed the signing window for iOS 14.3 and iOS 14.3 RC and are now on an older version like 13.5, iOS 13.7, and so on and would like to upgrade to use Odyssey. If you wanna prepare your device for the next Odyssey Jailbreak release which happens soon, this is your last chance. FutureRestore has been fixed for A13 and A14 devices and you can now use your saved SHSH2 blobs to update even if 14.3 is no longer signed. Do not delay, because we cannot guarantee 14.5's SEP and Baseband will be compatible.

Remember that the new update is actually two updates. There are now two different FutureRestore tool branches, one for A13 and A14 devices and one for older devices. The one for A14 and A13 should NEVER be used for any other type of device and vice-versa because otherwise, you'd bootloop the device. This is your last chance to get to iOS 14.3 or iOS 14.3 to enjoy Odyssey Jailbreak.

As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w

▽ Resources ▽
▶ Our Jailbreak Central Forum:
▶ FutureRestore on GitHub:
▶ iOS 14.4 RC / iOS 14.3 / 14.0 How To JAILBREAK With Cydia & Functional Tweaks! (CheckRa1n, Pre-A12):
▶ How To JAILBREAK iOS 14.2 / 14.1 / 14.0.1 / 14.0 On Select Devices With CheckRa1n (Cydia Included):
▶ iOS 13.5 / 13.4.1 / 13.4 Unc0ver JAILBREAK RELEASED! How To Jailbreak iOS 13.5 & Lower (All devices):
▶ How to install Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 13.5 using AltStore:

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