iOS 13.7 - New Features & FINAL Review!

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iOS 13.7 is out | iOS 13.7 Features, Changes, Battery, Performance & FINAL review! iOS 13.7 has just been released to all iOS 13 devices. iOS 13.7 is the final iOS 13 firmware, and iOS 13.7 marks the end of iOS 13. iOS 13.7 is a great firmware in my opinion, however iOS 13 wasn’t great the entire time. iOS 13 was rushed, brought more bugs than any iOS before, however iOS 13.7 does fix these issues!

Learn what’s new with iOS 13.7 in this video! Learn the new features of iOS 13.7, and my final iOS 13.7 review, on the final iOS 13 firmware! Are you going to update to iOS 13.7, or iOS 14, or stay on an older iOS 13 firmware? Let me know in the comments!

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