iOS 13.7 iPhone 7 FULL REVIEW!! || Should You Update?

145 Просмотры
iOS 13.7is here, succeeding iOS 13.6.1 and iOS 13.6. iOS 13.7 brings Exposure Notifications Express, which allows the use of the Exposure Notifications feature introduced in an update to iOS 13, iOS 13.5 without needing a third party app. #iOS 137 #iOS13

iOS 13.7 is likely the last milestone update to iOS 13. We could possibly see an iOS 13.7.1 before the initial release of iOS 14.

So, let's see how the iPhone 7 holds up on this latest iOS 13 update, iOS 13.7. #iPhone7


Introduction: 00:00
Recap: 0:18
Performance: 0:45
Battery: 1:45
Should You Update?: 2:45
Conclusion: 3:06

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