Huawei MatePad Pro 2021 Review: HarmonyOS-Powered!

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The 2021 edition of the Huawei MatePad Pro is the first mobile computing device with #HarmonyOS (#鸿蒙), so of course I put it to the test!

The MatePad Pro 2020 is powered by a Kirin 9000E and features a 12.6-inch OLED panel and some of the best speakers around. I particularly liked using the M-Pencil and keyboard with the MatePad Pro.

0:00 - start
0:30 - the first HarmonyOS device!
0:53 - but is HarmonyOS really an entirely new OS?
2:45 - OLED display
4:15 - MatePad Pro accessories
5:28 - speaker test
8:12 - M-Pencil
9:30 - M-Pencil tricks
13:00 - conclusion
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