How To Use CR7(Chrono)||IQ Level 999+ Best Gameplay Ever||Solo Vs Squad ||Mr.4k Gamers

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How To Use CR7(Chrono)||IQ Level 999+ Best Gameplay Ever||Solo Vs Squad ||Mr.4k Gamers

Para Samsung,A3,A5,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,A20,A30,A30S,A40,A50,A60


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Game name & uid-:
Mr.Rahul YT
We are doing this stream with the spirit of games and enjoyment and we do not want to hurt anyone's feelings through this stream, so please ignore anyone if we do anything wrong because we do not tell anyone anything wrong. Want. He will be by plzzzzzz come and let's enjoy with me and my friends.
Thank you guys.
★Device name-: xiaomi poco f1
★Headphone -:Mi basic earphone.

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