How to speed-hack any app on iPhone. Jailbreak iOS 13.x-14.x. *GameGem fix included*

130 Просмотры
I will show you how to hack any game on ur iPhone. U need to be Jailbroken. All sources should already be there, only if u also need to install Flex 3, u may need to add a source, but Im not gonna explain that. I also won’t explain how to jailbreak, because there are enough videos on how to.

This video is only for educational purposes!Never forget that Jailbreaking can result in a permanent brick! I’m not responsible if ur phone breaks if u try this. While the chances are low, especially if you follow tutorial, there’s a chance, and most of the time the device bricks while installing too many stuff, unknown stuff, u change files, u overclock ur device, or you just do to much!
Please don’t hack online, because that will just ruin the fun for others and may even in rare cases result in and ban or not work.

This tutorial should work for everyone, as I tested it on an iPhone 7, iOs 13.x and on an iPhone 12, iOS 14.3!
iphone Apple iPad iMac AppStore
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