How to Scan Documents with iphone as PDF and Word Files

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How to Scan Documents with iphone as PDF and Word Files
In this video i will show you 2 methods of scanning documents with iphone using apps. You can get the scanned document as a PDF file or as an editable word document. I will use two different applications and will show you which app gives better results than the other. Both of these apps are free. The first app I will use is Microsoft Office app. The second app which i will use to scan documents as a PDF is Notes app. I will also show you how to save the scanned document as a PDF file on Google drive. I will show you how to share the document after scanning using email. You can also scan document as a word document which you can edit, you can highlight, you can change the font color after scanning. You can change the thickness of the highlighter and also the transparency. i will show you how to add all these annotations when you scan document with iphone using office app or by using Notes app. Both of these free apps are fantastic and provide sharp and clear professional looking scan. Taking a picture will not give us the quality we need in a scanned document. To summarize everything, in this video you will learn two methods of scanning documents using iphone as a PDF and word file.

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