How To Enable Camera on Snapchat-Fix Snapchat is a Camera App To Continue Error in iphone ios 13

203 Просмотры
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access my snapchat camera :

Unable to Access Camera

We could not access your camera.Please remove any restrictions on the camera to use Snapchat(Settings -General-Restrictions-Camera-On).


Snapchat is a camera app To continue,you'll need to allow camera access in Settings.

Open Settings.


This tutorial is about how to turn on camera in snapchat and solve cannot allow access to camera.

This trick works for all iphone models like iphone 5,iphone 6,iphone 6s,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,iphone 11 and iphone xr.

But this method not working on ipad devices,because it may be have the operating system of ios 12 or ios 14.

Don't do turn off in your app section,because most of the time this cause error in your mobile.


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how to fix can't allow snapchat to access camera :

1.One of my subscriber ask why is my snapchat saying oops snapchat is a camera app?.

2.My answer is if your camera or gallery photos access permission is disabled this type of issue is occurring.

3.If you want to fix this problem just follow me friends.

4.Just open your setting menu and then goto "Screen time".

5.Here you can goto "Content & Privacy Restrictions - Allowed Apps.

6.Now you can click to enable camera app,and go back to the setting main menu.

7.Now this time you can locate "Snapchat" app and click to open it.

8.Here you can check if your microphone and camera permission is enabled or not.

9.Here i show the steps by using my 2020 released iphone se and which is operated in ios 13.

#snapchatcamera #howtoenable #allowaccess
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