How to download iMovie on iOS 10 to 12.4.4 (iPhone/iPad), ipad download imovie ios 9.3.6, Ios 9.3.6

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iMovie not showing up in the App Store? Trying to download iMovie on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 12 or earlier? In this video, I show you how to download iMovice iOS on your iPhone or iPad if you are running iOS 12 and unable to update to the latest version in iOS 13.

iMovice updated to version 2.2.8 in October 2019, and the new version is only compatible with iOS 13. If you are running an iPhone or iPad that is one iOS 12 or earlier, you can still download iMovie, but you can't search and download straight from the App Store.
Here's how to download iMovie iOS on iOS 12:
1. If you have downloaded it before, go to the App Store and the "Today" tab, then go to your account and to "Purchased". Find "iMovie" in the list of app and download
2. If you have NOT downloaded it before, you need to either get someone who HAS downloaded it to sign in to your iPhone or iPad using their Apple ID and then download it to your device, OR you can log in to an iOS 13 compatible device using your Apple ID, download iMovie there, then return to your iOS 12 device and you will be able to download the latest version (version 2.3.7) to your older device.

What iPhones and iPads are compatible with iOS 13?
1. iPhone 6S/SE or more recent
2. iPad Air 2 or more recent
3. iPad Mini 4 or more recent
4. Any iPad Pro
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