How to Defeat the Warden of Oasis Boss in Nahida's Quest (Comprehensive Guide) | Genshin Impact

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#genshinimpact #sumeru #nahida #genshin

00:00 - Boss Introduction
00:17 - Tip 1: This Boss Isn't Immune to Any Element/Party Builds
01:17 - Tip 2: Don't Forget About Food! It's Always There!
01:51 - Phase 1 (Fight Begins)
02:25 - Spike Ball Avalanche (MOST ANNOYING MOVE THIS FIGHT)
03:15 - Cheesing the Annoying Move w/ Geo Traveler
03:30 - Rest of Phase 1
03:46 - Phase 2 (Minion Blasting)
04:22 - Clam Enemy (WORST ENEMY THIS PHASE)
04:47 - Junkrat Ball lol
05:06 - What happens when Clam boi eats a tide pod?
05:32 - Twintail Enemy thing
05:54 - Spike Shielding Enemy (and its little brother)
06:19 - Phase 3 Pre-Fight Explanation
06:45 - Phase 3 Begins! WATCH YOUR FEET/How to Avoid the Bombs
07:20 - 3 Beam Attacks and Swirling Spike Attacks (Twice)
08:05 - Arena-Wide Nuke Attack Again
09:00 - What Happens When You Don't Dodge?
09:31 - End of the Boss Fight/Concluding Thoughts
09:56 - Speedrun Any%

On-Screen Recorder: GeForce Experience (Shadowplay?)
Camera: iPhone SE 2020/Nexigo N660P
Microphone: FIFINE Ampligame/iPhone SE 2020

Extra Links:
Music: N/A

Everything else regarding me and this channel (alongside my attitude towards it) can be found in my "About" section. Thanks for tuning in.

Tags for the sake of my existence:
Genshin Impact 3.6, Genshin, Impact, Genshin Impact, Nahida, Warden, Guardian, Guardian of the Last Oasis, Guardian of Oasis Prime, Warden of the Last Oasis, Warden of Oasis Prime, Guardian of the Last Oasis, Guardian of Oasis Prime, Warden of the Last Oasis, Warden of Oasis Prime, Guardian of the Last Oasis, Guardian of Oasis Prime, Warden of the Last Oasis, Warden of Oasis Prime, Apep, Apep boss, Apep Genshin, Apep Genshin Impact, Apep, Apep boss, Apep Genshin, Apep Genshin Impact, Dehya, Alhaitham, Genshin, Impact, Genshin new update, Genshin new boss, Genshin dragon, nut, wenut, theycum, kusanali, sumeru, nahida story quest, story quest, genshin boss, Baizhu, Kaveh
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