How to Change Youtube Banner Apple iOS iPhone & Android 2020 (Incl. Error Fixes!)

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How to change your Youtube banner using Apple iOS iPhone and Android [July 2020]. You can no longer change your banner using the Youtube app, but don’t let that stop you. In this video, I will show you how to edit your channel art on your iPhone and Android using your web browser.

How to Change your Youtube Channel Banner using Apple iOS 12 and Apple iOS 13 software. How to change your banner using Android. How to change/upload youtube channel banner using iPad. Yes, this will also work on iPad!

I’ll show you how to switch to the desktop version on safari if you are using iOS 12 and earlier software and I’ll also show you the new method of switching to the desktop version using Apple iOS 13 software.

I will also mention a couple of the most common error messages you may receive when trying to upload your youtube banner.

If you are trying to Edit/Change your YouTube channel art on an Apple iPhone using a Safari Browser app, you may receive the following Google Pop Up Error Message. “In order to select an item from your online storage, please sign in." and when you click the sign-in button a couple of times, a white screen displays with the following error message "The feature you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again later." you can watch my video here on how to fix this issue

If you receive an error message that your Youtube banner is too small, then you will need to resize your banner to the correct dimensions. However, this will possibly cause your banner to pixelate and look blurry and stretched, so I would therefore NOT recommend resizing your small banner size to into a large size. It is OK to resize a large banner to the correct size, this should not affect the resolution.

Youtube recommends that your banner is 2560 pixels wide by 1440 pixels tall.
Minimum file dimensions: 2048 x 1152
Minimum safe area for text and logos: 1546 x 423 pixels, with larger images possibly being crossed on certain devices or displays
Maximum width: 2560 x 423 pixels, meaning that the “safe area” is always visible despite the size of the screen
Maximum file size: 6MB (but file sizes can be smaller)

I would recommend downloading a youtube banner template from Google and using a program like Canva to create your banner with the correct size. I have a separate video showing you the easiest way to make a youtube banner for free. You can watch it here

0:00 Start
0:26 Intro
0:28 How to change your banner using Chrome
1:19 How to fix banner too small error message
2:28 How to change your banner using Safari
2:35 How to fix Google error message
3:28 Share your feedback. Did it work for you? If not, why not?
3:50 Outro

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