How to Change Default Browser iOS 14 (iPhone) and E-mail App?

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How to Change Default Browser iOS 14 with iPhone? In the previous version the iOS we don't have permission to change the default browser and Mail App.
But, In with the iOS 14 update from the 16th September user's are able to set their default Browser and Email App according to their wish.
Steps to change default Browser:
1. Open your iPhone's Settings app
2. Scroll Down Till you find the Browser that you want to make default.
3. Tap on Chrome or your favorite app
4. Tap the Tab called "default Browser App"
5. Choose any from the list.
Then all set you changed your Default Browser and Email App.

Thumbnail Image Credit: MacRumors

#ios14 #iphone14 #chrome #safari
iphone Apple iPad iMac AppStore
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