How To Buy Safemoon Coin via PancakeSwap - The Easiest Way Using Trust Wallet! Any Country!

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How To Buy Safe Moon Coin on Trust Wallet via Pancake Swap.
For Android and iPhone Users.

Here is simple instruction:
Step 1: Buy BNB on Binance Exchange

Step 2: Setup Trust Wallet, you need to create your wallet and write down your passphrase

Step 3: On the Trust Wallet, click on BNB, click receive & copy the address

Step 4: Go to your Binance exchange and paste the BNB address which you’ve copied from Trust wallet

Step 5: Now we need to swap BNB to BNB Smart Chain

Step 6: On Trust Wallet, click on “More” and click on “Swap to Smartchain”

Step 7 for Android users: Go directly to DApps,
Step 7 for iPhone users: Go to your browser on your phone (use safari for iphone) then paste this address into safari:

Step 8: On trust wallet, look for Pancake Swap, after press Connect it to your wallet in the top right corner

Step 9: Go to coin market, find and copy the SafeMoon contract address.

Step 9: Copy conctract address and paste it in the Pancakeswap and choose SafeMoon. Select the amount you want to swap & Swap.

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