How to: Apple A1419 27" iMac 2013-2015 3.5 SATA HDD to 500GB SSD with NMVe SSD Upgrade Supercharged

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A Late 2013 iMac A1419 which has been upgraded with a super fast NVMe PCIe SSD.

We see lots of people receiving advice about upgrading the RAM when they complain about their iMac being slow. Although RAM will help once the iMac has started up it wont aid startup speeds or app load times.

All iMacs up to 2019 came with an old fashioned mechanical 'spinning' hard disk with disks and magnets as standard. These are great for storage but paralysingly slow by todays standards.

We have removed this slow disk and replaced it with an SSD which fits into a special slot at the back of the logic board.

The iMac now starts up in seconds and there is no waiting around for Apps to start.
No spinning beachball anymore!

You can get in touch directly with UKSL MacLab for questions and queries on their website

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Voice Over By Instagram @ChallanCarmichael
Video in collaboration with Instagram @jplevel10studios

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