How Does Spectrum Mobile Work?

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In this video, i'm going to be answering the question How Does Spectrum Mobile Work? So guy's, let's talk about it! *** Feel like your question isn’t getting answered? Consider becoming a V.I.P. member over at:

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Now, here's a look at how Spectrum Mobile works...

Talk and text all you want with no contracts, added taxes or fees. All Spectrum Mobile data plans include nationwide 5G access at no extra fee. Spectrum Internet required.

STEP 1: Select a phone, shop for a new one or bring your own or trade in.

STEP 2: Customize your plan, need more lines? Mix & match data plans to suit your needs:

Unlimited $45 or $55/Line plans include:
Reduced speeds after 20 or 30 GB of usage per line.
Unlimited talk, text and data
More freedom to surf and stream
No additional mobile hotspot fees

By the Gig plans include:
Share data up to 10 lines
Pay for the data you use
Switch to Unlimited anytime for more data

STEP 3: Check Out, complete your order online, over the phone or in-store.

And you're done! It's that simple.

#EB3Tech #TalkingTech #SpectrumMobile #SpectrumCellPhoneService #ImTypicallyTalkingTech #EB3 #EddieBlotnicki

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