Hide Photos and Videos on iPhone Camera Roll in iOS 14 | Hide 'Hidden Album' on iPhone

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Do you know you can hide the 'Hidden Album' in iPhone Camera roll after iOS 14 update? In this video we will show you how you can hide photos and videos on iPhone camera Roll in iOS 14.

If you have updated your iPhone to iOS 14, you could actually hide the photos and videos in the iPhone Photos app itself. Though you could previously hide them in the camera roll, but anyone could find it in the albums easily. Now you can hide the ‘Hidden album’ itself so others can’t see the photos you have hidden.

Let’s check the steps you have to follow to hide photos and videos in the photos app on iPhone with iOS14

Step-1: Open ‘Photos’ App
Step-2: Tap ‘Select’
Step-3: Select the photos you want to hide
Step-4: They will be added to Hiden Album.

Let’s check out the way you could hide ‘Hidden album’ in the photos app.

Step-1: Open ‘Settings’
step-2: Scroll Down and Tap ‘Photos’
Step-3: Toggle off ‘Hidden Album’
And the hidden album will be hidden from the photos app.

This is the way you can hide photos and videos in the Photos App in iPhone with iOS 14.

That’s it for now. If you have any query on the topic, let us know in the comment box. Subscribe to our channel for tips and tricks for Apple devices.
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