Helo App से मिला Iphone 11, I-pad | Unboxing of Helo Gift Box | How to Win prizes on Helo App

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We have won Superstar Award on Helo App in Helo Superstar Contest which was run on Helo from 6th January to 2nd February, 2020.
The Result of the contest was announced on 7th Feb, 2020. We have won First Prize i.e. the Superstar Award. The prize was Iphone 11 pro, I-pad, Air Pad Pro, Helo Goddies Bag and one Trophy.
We are really excited to have won such a wonderful contest on Helo App. Really a big thanks to Helo App Team for having such a wonderful contest on their App. Earlier also we have won many contests on helo app. So guys join us on Helo App ...

Click here to join My Kitchen Treasures on Helo App

[Check out My Kitchen Treasures page for more viral content!] http://m.helo-app.com/al/RxejwQkRv

Click here to join our SuperGroup My Kitchen Treasures on Helo App
[mykitchentreasures ] http://m.helo-app.com/al/fQhxmQk

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