handbuilt ceramics, new plushy design and getting a new imac! / artist studio vlog

52 Просмотры
support the clementine plush campaign so we can hit 200 sales for her to get made!

shop my store!
✿ https://palomathepeach.com/
subscribe to my patreon!
✿ https://www.patreon.com/palomathepeach

social media:
✿ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/palomathepeach/?hl=en
✿ ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/palomathepeach
✿ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@palomathepeach?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESMgow4BzDYvO08ccQaiOPVFwUmm0O0ujY7iYSW1%2BKGTnlPh7OWZTCVs%2Blbm7ZSfCtt6HLGgA%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAADRB4cAwtBgStXMELFCMmPsJ3abFEhjs_qz9shRAUtxrhTIZEs6U1cBw5JhCo4SRG&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAADRB4cAwtBgStXMELFCMmPsJ3abFEhjs_qz9shRAUtxrhTIZEs6U1cBw5JhCo4SRG&share_author_id=6758530610278810629&share_link_id=ED03E640-425A-4BB2-BE20-72A515A2ED4E&tt_from=sms&u_code=d99618334b7f39&user_id=6758530610278810629&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms&source=h5_m

for contact:
[email protected]

✿ camera: sony alpha zv-e10
✿ lens: Kit lense
✿ editing software: Final cut pro X

music i use in all videos!
✿ https://player.epidemicsound.com/?_ga=2.43072357.111770272.1520193751-1739423778.1520193751

✿ how old are you? 22
✿ ethnicity/nationality? Mexican
✿ how tall are you? 5'7
✿ what drawing tablet do you use? iPad Pro 11 inch 2020
✿ what program do you use to draw? Procreate
✿ where is your desk chair from? Ergonofis
✿ where is your green cubby shelf from? World Market (i painted it green)
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