Grateful Beyond Words: Thank You!

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Donate to my fundraiser:

Hey there! I am excited to share that I am participating in Extra-Life for the sixth year in a row. For those who are not familiar, Extra Life is an incredible fundraising program that supports Children's Miracle Network Hospitals®. The goal is to change kids’ health to change the future, and the donations we raise go towards critical treatments, healthcare services, research, medical equipment, and child life services.

This cause means the world to me, especially since my family and friends have been impacted by cancer multiple times throughout the years. I truly believe that no child should have to suffer, and I have hope that one day cancer will be fully cured through the collective efforts of everyone. That is why I feel so passionate about Extra-Life; it is a great opportunity for gamers like you and me to make a difference and help sick children.

For the 2023 event, I have set a personal goal to become the top fundraiser for the Children's Hospital of San Antonio. Last year, we received a silver medal for raising over $500, and this year, I am aiming to hit the $2000 mark. However, I cannot do this alone, and I would be so grateful if you could help me reach my goal by making a donation.

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