Fortnite Banned From Apple and Google App Stores

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If you opened up the Apple App Store on your iPhone overnight, you might've noticed something pretty big was missing! Yep, there's no Fortnite. In a massive move from Apple, the game that draws in millions of players every month has been removed. It's all because Fortnite's developers, Epic Games, snuck in an update for iPhone and Android versions of the game. That lets users pay Epic directly to make in-app purchases instead of going through the App Store.

You see, Apple usually gets 30% of whatever sales are made in the game and says this update cuts them out of the deal, which is totally against its guidelines. So Epic Games is suing Apple over the removal and even released a video in protest mocking an old Apple ad under the hashtag #FreeFortnite. Epic Games, as well as a lot of other game developers say app stores have too much power and it's unfair for them to take such big cuts of their profits. Google soon followed Apple's lead and have removed Fortnite from the Play Store, although you can still download it directly from Epic Games. While it's a bit of an inconvenience for fans, many of them have supported the move and hope it can all be sorted out soon.

Hold onto your hats or rather, your hair because US President Donald Trump's got a real problem with his shower. Why are we telling you this? Because the President think it's a big enough problem to change the law over. At the moment showerheads in America aren't allowed to produce more than 9.5 litres of water a minute, a law brought in nearly thirty years ago to, you guessed it, save on water. But now the US government wants to legally change the definition of a shower head to increase water flow. It's fair to say there's been a bit of backlash. Consumer groups and conservationists say it's just not necessary and really wasteful.

Meet Anthony Madu, he's from Lagos in Nigeria and he has got some serious moves. Anthony trains at the Leap of Dance Academy here in Lagos a studio set up to provide kids with free ballet lessons. Last month Anthony went viral after his teacher posted this video of him dancing in the rain. More than 15 million people viewed the vid and now Anthony's even received a scholarship to train at the American Ballet Theatre in New York. Anthony hopes that his moves will inspire other kids in Nigeria to give ballet a crack and says he's gonna keep on dancing wherever he goes.

If you're new to a zoo and the first of your kind here you probably want to make a good first impression. But this pair of Indonesian Babirusa pigs that just arrived at London Zoo are making a big old mess of themselves! Sure it's what Budi and Beth like to do to stay cool, but still they do look very, very happy. It's hard to be mad.

After weeks of rain in New South Wales, Jabari the Southern White Rhino at Mogo Zoo, has enjoyed rolling around in the mud

While Italy swelters through a heatwave, creatures at Rome's Zoo have been busy messing about with tasty frozen fruit treats!


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