Evolution Of iPhone (Apple 2007 - 2020)

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Evolution of iPhone
The iPhone is a line of touchscreen-based smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. that use Apple's iOS mobile operating system. The first-generation iPhone was announced by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007. Since then Apple has annually released new iPhone models and iOS updates. As of November 1, 2018, more than 2.2 billion iPhones had been sold.
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#iPhone #Apple #djntechnepal
Background Music https://youtu.be/RcTzkSS7gzk
00:00 Evolution of iphone
00:30 iPhone
00:35 iPhone 3 Series
00:39 iPhone 4 Series
00:44 iPhone 5 Series
00:49 iPhone 6 Series
00:53 iPhone 7Series
00:58 iPhone 8 Series
01:02 iPhone X Series
01:06 iPhone 11 Series
01:12 iPhone SE Series
Coming soon
01:21 iPhone 12 Series
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#iPhone #iPhone3G #iPhone3GS #iPhone4. #iPhone4s #iPhone5 #iPhone5c #iPhone5s #iPhone6 #iPhone6Plus #iPhone6s #iPhone6sPlus #iPhone7 #iPhone7Plus #iPhone8 #iPhone8Plus #iPhoneX #iPhoneXs #iPhoneXSMax #iPhoneXR #iPhone11 #iPhone11pro #iPhone11ProMax #iPhoneSE2016 #iPhoneSE2020 #iPhone12 #iPhone12max #iPhone12pro #iPhone12ProMax #evolution_of_iphone
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