ENDING Mine and Hasan's Feud - Before it DESTROYS The Left

52 Просмотры
I made a video on Hasan. He reacted on stream and now the ENTIRE of the Online Left is in open conflict. Relationships are breaking down, friendships are being ended, and even brother is being turned against brother.

I've decided to end this feud before it gets any worse. It takes a big man to offer up an olive branch, and thankfully - I am that big man.

.00:00:00 - Addressing the Hasan Drama
00:06:30 - Responding to Hasan saying socialism is about earning more of the profits you generate
00:08:35 - Hasan alleged I spend as much of my money on consumerism as he does; my response
00:20:12 - Hasan says he is held to an impossible standard
00:22:45 - Hasan says my video was pointless
00:26:00 - US vs UK socialism and class
00:37:28 - How much should you be an ethical consumer? Hasan says it doesn't matter
00:44:20 - Apparently I said innovation needs a profit motive?????
00:46:00 - Do socialists have to be like Jesus?
00;53:45 - We need to think about Global Capitalism
00:56:00 - Public Personas and consumerism
01:02:00 - Communism vs Consumerism
01:04:00 - Closing Thoughts

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