Enable Guest Mode on iPhone - iOS 14

136 Просмотры
How to Enable Guest Mode on iOS with a Cool Jailbreak Tweak

Name: Restriction
Price: $2.50
Repo: https://repo.twick.com/

- Great if multiple people use your device
- Cool UI and you can truly disable apps (no way of accessing them)
- Set custom passcode for separate users!

CONS: (can be fixed)
- Phone always respring into safe mode when choosing a new account, when respringing again, it goes out of safe mode and the selected guest mode user is active.
- When switching to normal mode or a guest mode, the wallpaper is downscaled significantly
- A few App Icons are misplaced when switching back to Normal mode from Guest Mode
(updated Jan 2, 2020 - not sure if these issues have been fixed, if they have I will update it here)

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