Do you want to win a brand new iPhone SE in 2020!

164 Просмотры
Would you like to win a brand new iPhone SE well you're in luck my

YouTube channel is going to be doing a second iPhone giveaway for

the 1000 subscribers here's how you can win when you share the

video with 10 or more friends that is worth 35 points if you leave 5 to

8 comments on the YouTube video that 15 points if you recommend

my videos of five or more friends that is 45 points

Please read all the details below ⬇

⚠ ️Warning terms of giveaway must subscribe to the  channel and leave the comment I subscribed
If you do subscribe to the channel and unsubscribe  you are automatically disqualified from the contest!

Questions? How will the winner be notified once the contest end the winner will be contacted immediately if the winner cannot be reached in the first 24-hour they automatically forfeit their prize and the runner-up automatically gets the prize

✅8 comments on the video is worth 15 points sharing the video with 5 or more friends is worth 35 points recommended my video to five or more friends is worth 45 points

✅And If you recommend any of your friends to my video make sure your friends leave the comment under your comment he or she recommended me

If your new subscriber leave the comment I subscribe if you're old subscriber and leave the comment done
Good luck to you all! 

former winners of past giveaways are not allowed to enter this contest

People who are not allowed to enter the contest

⚠️  Abdikarim Abdi 
⚠️ Rebecca White
⚠️ Clarence Hall
⚠️ Craig Smith
⚠️ Jackie Turner

Again good luck to you all

#giveaway #giveawaya2020 #newiphone
update video coming soon contest will in September 25th
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