Discussing Content Strategies with the team of "Projekt Spirit" part 1

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Discussing how I'm changing the way I approach even the smallest parts of my day as I take these next steps Into the future. I've heard many times that we "Vote with our dollars" and even though conceptually I've always understood it, now that I'm EMBRACING IT, it's becoming a part of me in ways that take no extra effort, consume no additional resources, and most importantly, WASTE NO ADDITIONAL TIME.

A year ago I took a step back and looked at my life. I finally, after 30 years of hard partying and spending money as soon as I got it, I found myself in a place where I had to rethink life and the way I INDULGE.

I decided as I moved forward, whenever I have money I will carefully CHOOSE what I spend it on.

I can buy a product that helps me accomplish a task, like my device studio, and this gear aids me in producing a better OUTPUT, whatever that may be.

Once you realize that THE PRODUCTS THEMSELVES can ALSO contribute to the creation of abundance and not just what they can do to AUGMENT their users activities, you start to look at everything differently.

I'm had to take a dozen steps back at that point and bring into focus all the gear I was gonna need for the studio and for the mobile platform, all the parts for repairing and preparing the vehicle that were important, the software used in the studio and the mobile platform, and then suddenly It dawned on me.

If I found exceptional products that ALSO were provided by a company that offered something additional , I could give MORE CREDIT in the content, attach more Metadata for the search, and only have to do it once. Now, as I make other videos I can reuse a lot of the previous contents time consuming busy work that tends to actually feel like work.

So at this point I realized, if I have a product I'm particularly in love with, what OTHER PRODUCTS do they make that I can buy that could fill MY MANY OTHER ROLES for this mission?

As an example, I knew that I wanted a really powerful phone as the phone tends to be the primary capture device for most creators I watch. So I began there.....and I Settled on Samsung and Apple as the two companies who make the phones with the features I admire.

The next most important item is a computer for editing video. Now I was leaning towards Samsung for the phone and it was a tough call, cause APPLE products tend to dominate the sphere of content creation and they also tend to be extremely expensive.

I originally was an Apple Product user , then accidentally went with a Samsung phone "for the hell of it" when my carrier was hard selling me on an upgrade. After receiving it I became a n Uber driver which caused me to NEED MY PHONE 15 HOURS A DAY FOR SURVIVAL. IT was a living hell making that transition and took me a year to get comfortable with android. Once I did, I realized I like the potential of android because the limits of android are THE PERSON USING IT, and the same person using APPLE PRODUCTS will hit a hardware CEILING that limits them before they hit their own personal organic one that's limited by imagination.

By this I mean, APPLE products allow very little customization and very little flexibility as to what you can do to modify their products to accomplish tasks that maybe they aren't specifically designed for.

The phones these days are computers , and I want all my computers to behave like COMPUTERS now that I'm finally learning how to be COMPUTER SAAVY. To go with all Apple products would get me a sensational powerful editing suite, but it would be expensive and not customizable , have more limited software available to it, and it's designed to be obsolete after 5 years.

With APPLE going after DIY people trying to repair and get more life out of their products I realized going with gear that I can prolong the life of IF NEEDED by replacing parts and software myself because it's baked into the environment that company's products lives in makes sense for a guy who was recently homeless. I'm dumping all money that came my way immediately into this idea so I'm carefully selecting gear that will see my dollar go further while providing me comparable if not superior performance.

So I bought a Samsung Note 20 Ultra 5g, a SAMSUNG Galaxy Book Flex Alpha touch screen 2in1 tablet/laptop, a church Bought me a SAMSUNG Galaxy Book Go cause they let me choose, I upgraded my hard drive and attached micro SD storage to my phones and laptop with A SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus m.2 NVME, SAMSUNG Pro 128gb MICRO SD, and like a variety if different Samsung lesser quality Micro SD, a SAMSUNG THUMB DRIVE, x2 Samsung 22"High refresh rate monitors, Was gifted a Samsung Tablet that needs repairing , and the list keeps growing.

I love their products and their products perform above the rest in many of the forms I've invested in that SAMSUNG CREATES.

JBL, MICROSOFT, AUDIO CONTROL, and a few others comprise almost the entirely of EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT I NEED TO DO THIS, and all I gotta do is mention it in the Metadata. WIN
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