Cute girl outfits {Roblox} | •Rea wolf gamer•

156 Просмотры
Hi wolfies sit back and watch my the video!

Made with Film Maker

Fonts for Android and iPhone -

Fun facts:
I cant have milk it would make me throw up...
i have a dog named j.j.
my fav animal is a wolf and parrots!
I hate most Chocolate...
Summer is my fav!!!

Hi I'm Reagan I am 12 years old. It was my dream to start a channel so I did and I can't believe I got this far! I love playing adopt me and breaking point! Follow me if u wanna join me! I try my hardest to help you guys get pets! I love you guys so very much!!

My roblox user?: Reawolf24
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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