Block All Ads Free on iPhone 11 (Safari, Chrome)

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In this video, you’ll learn how to block all ads pop ups on your Safari and Chrome browser for free on iPhone 11. Get to know about the best and easy going ad blocker app which stop any type of pop ups when you’ll launch the Safari or Chrome browser.

The pop up ads are so annoying that you can’t avoid them unless you’re using the ad blocker. This app is absolutely free for the iOS iPhone user and available in the App Store. So, let’s take a look at how to install and use the best ad blocker and #BlockAds on your #iPhone11 easily.

1st Step: Open “App Store”
2nd Step: Search for “Ad-Blocker Pro” and install it
3rd Step: Open the App
4th Step: Tap “Skip”
5th Step: Toggle on “Block Ads”
6th Step: It has some other features like, you can block third party social Plug-ins, disable comment boxes, block tracing and so more
7th Step: Last but not least you can Block different websites on your iPhone with it
8th Step: Tap “Block URL”
9th Step: Tap the “+” sign
10th Step: Enter the URL you want to block and Tap “OK” and now the website cannot access from your iPhone
So guys this is the way you can Block Ads and also harmful websites on your iPhone 11.

Thank You
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