Black Man Ray by China Crisis: Guitar Instrumental cover

129 Просмотры
Black Man Ray is a song by English group China Crisis. Released as the first single from their 1985 album Flaunt the Imperfection, it is one of the band's most successful singles.

This brings me back to 1985, St Pat's days, waltzing to Parkway Parade from school. Don't think my childhood friend and 80s music trivia wizard Raymond has ever told me what the lyrics actually mean too. Heard a 2020 live performance by China Crisis' Gary Daly and Eddie Lundon on YouTube, and decided to have a go at it on the electric guitar.

Have never tried this on the guitar before but after one or two tries, I quickly realised that the scale is within the same G major pentatonic Position 4 box shape used for Hank Marvin's famous intro of The Young Ones, that 1962 song by Cliff Richard and The Shadows. Try it yourself or let me know what you think.

*I will attempt to post the next video on how I used the gear below to get a simple rhythm (G, Bm, C & D) and melody track going.

Gear chain:
2008 Gibson Les Paul goldtop Slash (the thick tones are great for simple rhythm and melody lines)
TC Electronic Afterglow chorus
EHX Holy Grail Nano reverb
Valbruch Spacetime tap delay
TC Electronic Ditto X4
Fender EC Vibro Champ
Rode VideoMicMe-L into iPhone SE
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