Big Sur on Unsupported Mac - OpenCore Legacy Patcher [2008-11 GRAPHICS ACCELERATION for Older Macs!]

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Install macOS Big Sur on your 2008-2013 Unsupported Mac? OpenCore Legacy Patcher supports beta graphics acceleration for 2008-2011 Macs!!!! 2012-2013 Macs are natively supported. You heard it before "no patcher supports older Macs due to not having graphics acceleration" All that has changed with the new version of OpenCore Legacy Patcher!

This video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use OpenCore Legacy Patcher to create a Patched Installer USB and then install macOS Big Sur on your 2008-2013 unsupported Mac!

Having a issue? - OpenCore Legacy Support + Discord Server
To get aid with the patcher, we recommend joining the OpenCore Patcher Paradise Discord Server.

We're actively there and is the quickest way to receive help. For bigger issues such as patcher crashing on build and such, we recommend opening an issue right here on GitHub(Please review How to debug with OpenCore before opening issues):

OpenCore Legacy Patcher's Current Issue's tab -

OpenCore How to articles

OpenCore Legacy Patcher github download page

Working Around Legacy Acceleration Issues

DISCLAIMER: Please understand that installing macOS Big Sur on your unsupported Mac is a best effort by the community. A ton of work went into getting the patcher to work! Some things might not work exactly right but it's really really close. I would not recommend installing on a system that you rely on for work or school. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST BEFORE YOU UPGRADE! The good news is that you are getting the latest security fixes from Apple. Some might argue that upgrading to Patched Big Sur makes your Mac safer since Apple is no longer fixing security issues on macOS High Sierra and below. Thank you!

Supported Macs with Metal Graphics Acceleration
* 2012 MacBook Air
* 2012 MacBook Pro
* 2013 Early MacBook Pro
* 2012 Mac Mini
* 2012 iMac
* 2013 iMac

Beta Graphics Acceleration for Macs without Metal Graphics
2008-2011 MacBook, MacBook Air MacBook Pro & iMac

NOTE!!! If your 2010 or 2011 iMac has a AMD/ATI TeraScale 2 - HD5000/6000 series graphics card the beta acceleration patches will not work yet.

Part 1 - Everything you need to know before Installing Patched Big Sur on your Unsupported Mac
Part 2 - How to Install macOS Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac with Big Sur Patcher
Part 3 - How to Install macOS Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac with Big-Sur-micropatcher
Part 4 - How to Install Updates on your Big Sur Patched Mac - Everything you need to know!
Part 5 - How to update your unsupported patched Mac to the latest version of macOS Big Sur with Patched Sur 1.0 with one click!
Part 6 - Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac w OpenCore Legacy Patcher

I wanted to thank both Mykola Grymalyuk (khronokernel) & Dhinak G (dhinakg) for your work on OpenCore (plus everyone else who contributed). You both did an amazing job on this patcher. OpenCore will save thousands of Macs from the recycler!

macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 Update Article

Direct Download Link to the macOS Big Sur InstallAssistant.pkg for macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 final/production version. (Cut and paste link into a new tab)

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