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Back to PUBG MOBILE | BGMI Full of Hackers | KRAFTON No Action to Hackers | BGMI WILL SURVIVE ?

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iPad Pro m1 2021 PUBG test gameplay |
#pubgmobile #backtopubg #leftbgmi

Must See:
Rush gameplay :
Sanhok king:
Pochinki King :
Rushing :
Pochinki cleared I :
M249 Special :
Clutches :
Shotgun :
Squad wipes :

Sensitivity code = 7007-2423-5859-9712-979
Controls code = 7007-2269-9907-5242-216

Thanks for watching
Device : iPad Pro 128 GB
Game Style : 4 Finger
Screen Recorder : iOS Screen Recorder
Headphone : Boat Earphones

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