Apple Lisa 2: Inside & Out

154 Просмотры
Before the Macintosh, Apple released the Lisa computer, which was one of the very earliest commercial systems with a GUI and mouse. We take a look inside the system, then boot it up for a look at the operating system and included apps. I got inspired to make this video because of the #MARCHintosh event going on, even if I'm not sure if it qualifies as being Macintosh enough!

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Very relevant dramatic theatre: "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs: Jobs Goes to Xerox PARC"
(warning, salty nerd language)

EEVblog #696​ - Apple Lisa Retro Computer Teardown:

0:00 Intro
1:22 Tour of keyboard, ports
3:58 Behind the front panel: Drives
6:51 Behind the back panel: PSU and system board
14:21 Booting the Lisa, system clock oddities
18:58 Preferences, Calculator
21:22 Lisa's Apps, LisaWrite
25:58 LisaDraw
28:35 A bit of history, thanks
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