APKPure iOS iPhone Download - APKPure iPhone Download APKs for iOS (14 Working)

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APKPure iOS iPhone Download - APKPure iPhone Download APKs for iOS (14 Working)

How to download APKPure on iOS and iPhones? Well you have came to the right video! Kaspersky Lab has recently released an application called APKPure which is part of a group of antivirus programs called the Active Virus Control Software (AVC). According to a blog post by Bruce Byfield, Senior Director of Kaspersky Lab's Online Security Solutions Business Unit, the company made the decision to release APKPure after reading forums where users complained about a number of issues with the software. After further analysis, the security firm concluded that one of the problems faced by many users is the fact that the application failed to get rid of malicious codes running inside the victim machine without the user's knowledge or agreement. The application was removed from the live store after Kaspersky Lab received numerous complaints about the software.

Kaspersky Lab continued that it informed APKPure's developers on Thursday that their latest app version, 3. 17. Included malicious coding which siphoned off sensitive data from a victim's device without their consent and sent commercials to the infected device is to generate revenue for the infected adware operators. One of the most commonly installed programs in most android handsets is the Ad-Aware program. Most manufacturers provide an option to block some apps from automatically installing on the phone. However, the vast majority of these apps remain installed in the system. APKPure is one of these apps, and was likely installed on devices from various countries including India, China, and the United States.

APKPure's developers had realized the potential risk of their application being used to distribute malware, so they released another version of the app without the malicious codes in it. The latest version of the app promises complete privacy along with an enhanced and simplified user interface. The previous version of apkpure promoted a link on the Google play marketplace which allowed users to download the malicious code for free. Now the company has issued an update to kill the application and remove the link to prevent any further downloads.
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