another random video | footage from last year lol, enjoy...

124 Просмотры
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel, this video is my second random footage video because why not lol, there are plenty clips of when my sister an I went to the gym, some mobile Roblox gameplay, and i think a little cooking lol, there is plenty content on my phone currently being edited as you are reading this. I was very surprised to see that my Roblox Gameplay video got 740 views (last I checked)!!! So with that being said, I might work on some more gameplay videos for you guys and make sure my comments are always turned on because I actually just realized my comments were turned off on my last video. I love to read feedback from each and everyone of you and I always reply every single comment. I love you guys and I hope you had a wonderful month as this is the last month of February. There are currently about 4 videos I have down to post for you guys and I'm sorry I've not been posting, I've been trying to focus on school and soccer but I will make sure to adjust my schedule to make sure I'm able to fit recording and editing videos into my week at least 2-3 times. If you are new here, don't forget to subscribe, and if you did you just joined the "FavBaby Fam". Also, if you have anything to ask me don't hesitate to tell me down in the comments below and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Also it was very long description I know, I just wanted to thank you guys for 184 (as I'm typing this) subscribers and I'm thankful for each and everyone of you.
Todays' shoutout goes to my very good friend Cenzah, don't forget to check out his channel right here:

My Socials:
My Instagram: @favourolugunwa​
My Twitter:@favourolugunwah​​​
My Snapchat:@favourolugunwa

If you want a shoutout, just a leave a comment down below, or simply just tell me to check out your page or socials.

Camera: iPhone SE 2020 2nd Generation
Video Editors: iMovie
Thumbnail Editor:​​​

For Collabs Contact Me:
[email protected]
Or DM Me on my Instagram: @favourolugunwa
(just shoot a DM lol)

Bye Bye My Loves!!!
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