An (easy demon)

139 Просмотры
I got vaccinated, gamers! POG

This will be my last video recording on my iPhone SE 2020.


After I got vaccinated, I am required to make an appointment for my second dose on May 2, I have to scan the provided QR code to make an appointment; but after I scanned it, it just wouldn't load. I tried erasing the memory (unused tabs on Safari and apps on the home screen), but it still would not load. At that exact moment, I considered officially changing my phone to the iPhone 12 Pro that has been sitting on my shelf not having been touched for the past 10 days or one month. One reason I am changing is because of the slow Internet; and secondly, I have experienced some input delay on my gameplays for quite a while, despite me beating Bravery yesterday. Additionally, I have heard that the iPhone 12 Pro is considered one of the best gaming phones, despite being the iPhone 12 Pro Max the ACTUAL best gaming phone. I really cannot wait to see what the iPhone 12 Pro has in store for me.

In case, you guys are wondering about the background noise, I was waiting in line with my mother to get vaccinated and there were a lot of people there. I recorded the footage at around 5:10 PM and yes, no music today, folks.

An is an easy demon with fun gameplay that is also this week's weekly demon!

ID and attempts are at the end of this video as always. :)
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