almost compleate 2009-2011 era Mac ecosystem. last great generation.

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Alright don't get me wrong, a new MacBook Pro or iMac pro with it running a M1 processor would be a cool toy. With the toy being a final system from what I read. being forced into a upgrade has become dangerous game. with the chance of pushing away long time Mac users. I know it really bothers me thst all the future proofing thst was once there , now it's upto you to future proof your system before yoy choose one by blowing a big juicy load og cash into their bank account. No longer will buying after marker parts and installing them yourself with a 5 min instructional YouTube video, under your belt. im sure the really electronically adapt will be able to use a hot station to de seat the soldered in Hardwear be it ramn or or the ssd cards vs 2.5";add with sata cables of the golden times.
Grab them while you can for dirt cheap. get yourself a m1 iPad, they were never up for upgrade, so it wont ve soo maddening. but ti buy a MacBook pro that's pretty much in a frozen state takes away from the history of functionality thst line has afforded its users of the past.

Please don't take my word at face value and do your own research, but I am certian the systems thst are taking the path are piling up.
im gettijg a hot work solder station and. getting ready to offer the upgrades myself. The nature of the electronic "beast" is throw away and buy new. and it's looking like what is now11 years still running across the board to the opposite.
i got one of thoes apple tsgs but there was no way to attach it to my mind because this kind if stuff makes me loose it.

happy hunting my friends, get into a Mac or 2 and we can work them into functional systems together as we learn to do the soldered hardcore uogrades. i ak going to practice in old equipment, just heating a chip to the point all the pins line up on the board will be a skill level jump for sure ☺️
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