[4KHDR] UCSC Jog from Great Meadow to McLaughlin Drive

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A jog on the UC Santa Cruz campus from the Great Meadow vista point to the parking garage on McLaughlin and Heller drive. Including: Recital Hall, Music Center, Digital Arts Research Center, Baskin Studios, Department of Art, Theatre Arts, Festival Glen, Clark Kerr Hall, Thimann Lecture Halls, Thimann Labs, and the Core West Parking Structure.
University of California, Santa Cruz, May 13, 2021, 6:36pm.
Distance travelled: 2.06 km (1.28 miles).
Recorded with an iPhone 12 Pro Max, DJI OM4, and Sennheiser Amebo headset in 4K HDR 60fps and binaural audio.
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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