2023 iPad Air 6 release date likely in October. 6th generation leaks may not be as promising? - RANT

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2023 iPad Air 6 release date may take place in October. Yet, it's features and predictions we may be as promising, if Apple follows the same upgrade path as it was with 2022 model. Digital Markings explores why 6th generation launch leaks, rumors and predictions may not be as exciting. Check previous Mac Mini video: https://youtu.be/zi4JEVtRQ4E.

0:00 Intro
1:04 Digital Markings question for you
1:33 What has Apple done to the iPad Air
3:01 How iPad Air 6 may not be a reason to get excited
3:58 Same story with design. Yet, Apple can do something...
5:13 Possible price jump and closure

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