130€ Catalina iMac mid-2010 - 512 G SSD, RAM and CPU upgrades

161 Просмотры
Do this at your own risk! I am not responsible for any possible damage.

All of this applies only to the mid-2010 21,5 11.2 iMac. This iMac model with AMD Radeon HD4670 works well with Catalina. Ones with HD5XXX or HD6XXX do not. Check other Mac models' compatibility in catalina patcher website, link below.

dosdude1's Catalina Patcher:

dosdude1's tutorial:

CPU upgraded to i5-650 from i3-540: 10€, local second-hand (more expensive on Ebay and Aliexpress)

RAM: 10€, local second-hand (it has 4 slots, you can just buy 2x 2gb sticks in addition to the stock 2x 2gb)

SSD (Fujitsu F500S 512 GB) if you are going to have anything important on the iMac, i recommend locally buying new reputable brand SSD, not anything from Aliexpress (they can be cheap and unreliable despite having some known brand on them) : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000136757200.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dcEyKZx
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