12 Thoughts on the iPhone 12 Mini: One Month Later

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Forrest Mankins (Photo seen in thumbnail): https://twitter.com/forrestfire

iPhone 12 Mini Reviews:
- Of course, MKBHD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhze-aRR6o0
- The Verge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrepi7s66Jg
- Matti Happoja: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXMd6j2IE30

Matty Loucas (YouTuber seen when I talk about the larger display, I've been obsessed with his X100F videos!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmh4sOHFiWigeGc3KHp8_lw

Dickinson on Apple TV: https://tv.apple.com/us/show/dickinson/umc.cmc.1ogyy5s2agasxa5qztabrlykn

Too impatient to watch the entire video? Here's a recap of all 12 thoughts:
1. It's the perfect combination of design, size, weight, and color(for the most part). 0:41
2. I'm still getting used to the features that I lost upgrading from the 6S, primarily just the home button and Touch ID. Not so much the headphone jack. 1:12
3. The notch? Not as problematic as I thought. 1:35
4. Battery life has been pretty good for me as a casual phone user. 1:55
5. I am LOVING the camera. (Also, it snowed in Austin, TX) 2:32
6. It's pretty nice that I don't have to reboot my phone while driving now. 3:26
7. The sound is better on the iPhone 12 Mini compared to the 6S. 3:38
8. It's faster and snappier than the iPhone 6S. (Shocking!) 3:55
9. I've enjoyed having the slightly larger display. 4:13
10. 1 year of free Apple TV+ being included with the iPhone means I can watch Dickinson (ft. my fave, Hailee Steinfeld) 4:33
11. I was worried that I'd regret choosing the iPhone 12 Mini over the iPhone 12 Pro... Nope. Nada. Zilch. 4:57
12. I've literally been using the iPhone 12 Mini the same way that I was using the 6S. The iPhone 12 Mini just does all of those things a little bit better. 5:19

Was it worth the upgrade? You'll have to watch the video to find out
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