100 Subscriber Giveaway

159 Просмотры
Thank you so, so much for helping me reach this milestone. Hopefully we can still grow this Youtube family more and I can do more bigger and better giveaways!

Giveaway Rules:
If you are under 18 you must get parent/guardian permission before entering.
1. You must be subscribed to this channel (I will be checking).
2. You must give this video a big thumbs up
3. Complete the form: https://forms.gle/WFLuR7Gbuq2o3Yev5

Giveaway ends on September 9th and Winner will be revealed and contacted on September 10th. If the winner doesn't reply within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. Good Luck!

Contact Me: [email protected]


What are you studying?
I am doing my GCSEs in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics French and Psychology.

What are GCSEs?
An academic qualification taken in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is taken from years 9-11

What do you use to film?
iPhone SE 2020

What do you use to edit?
iMovie (Comment if you want a tutorial of how I film and edit).

What do you use to make your thumbnails?
Canva (Comment if you want a tutorial of how to use it).

What music do you use?
Music by @ikson

Thank you for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you can be notified on when I post more amazing content. If you have any video suggestions leave them in the comments.

Contact Me: [email protected]


What are you studying?
I am doing my GCSEs in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics French and Psychology.

What are GCSEs?
An academic qualification taken in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is taken from years 9-11

What do you use to film?
iPhone SE 2020

What do you use to edit?
iMovie (Comment if you want a tutorial of how I film and edit).

What do you use to make your thumbnails?
Canva (Comment if you want a tutorial of how to use it).

What is your nationality?

What music do you use?
Music by @ikson
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