10 Tips and Tricks For The New Apple Watch Series 6

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10 Tips and tricks for the new Apple watch series 6 !

So if you were lucky enough to have bought an apple watch, you might be wondering how do you use the Apple watch series 6? Well in this video, I'm going to share my top 10 tips and tricks for the new Apple watch 6.

Included in the video are tips on the Apple watch series 6 heart rate monitor, and how to get the most out of your watch. I'll also talk about some of the settings you might want to turn on for the Apple watch series 6.

These tips for the apple watch will help make your life easier and improve your overall experience, it may also help those struggling to use the apple watch 6 or setup the apple watch 6.

If you need any more apple watch series 6 help, please do comment your questions down below, and if we have enough, I'll try and do another video on the Apple watch series 6 features.

0:00 10 Tips and tricks for the new Apple watch 6 Intro
0:47 How to add medical ID to Apple Watch Series 6
1:10 Use the apple Watch 6 crown to control volume
1:26 Apple Watch series 6 handwashing feature
2:00 Siri apple watch series 6 Raise to speak
2:18 How to control your lights with apple watch series 6
2:42 How to take a screenshot on the apple watch series 6
3:06 How to set up heart rate notification on the apple watch series 6
3:33 How to edit apple watch series 6 watch faces
4:09 Apple Watch series 6 find my phone and other features
4:47 How to change the app view to list Apple watch series 6
5:21 Tips for the Apple Watch 6 Outro

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Apple Watch
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