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✿ watch out i'm back with more questionably useful gaming tips for gadgets you may or may not need

☆ Time Stamps ☆
0:00 intro + unboxing
1:15 accessories
2:27 watchfaces
3:14 a lil' browser
4:20 a lil' yt player
5:27 outro

✿ FAQ ✿
→ Links to ubrowser and watchtube please?
• ubrowser https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%C2%B5browser/id1590622755 (0.99 USD)
• watchtube https://apps.apple.com/us/app/watchtube/id1599884909 (Free)

→ Where are your watchfaces from?
• miyukiverse! you can find her lovely art at her socials:

→ How do you make a image watchface?
• You have two options to use images as watchfaces:
option 1: open the watch app on your phone, face gallery (tab on the bottom), photos (all the way near the bottom), customize your watchface
option 2: open the watch app on your phone, face gallery (tab on the bottom), portraits (all the way near the bottom, after photos), customize your watchface

✿ Links ✿
♡ Some of the links below are affiliate links that allow me to earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
Apple Watch
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