65 Просмотры
Apple today releases iOS 14.5 and it brings a bunch of awesome useful new features and changes for all iPhone and iPad users around the world. Your iPhone can now unlock just by wearing your Apple Watch even while wearing a face mask. There is a new improved for you section on Apple Music, live lyrics are now shareable, over 200 new emojis, Siri now has 4 voices and privacy App Store improvements.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/NikiasMolina
MUSIC: https://itunes.apple.com/profile/NikiasMolina
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0pgv15ZNBKlvVv7akVbETu

Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/NikiasMolina

Thank you for being part of the Lemonade Stand. Quin Klijzen, Michael Newman, Evan Kunkel, Gabriele Willis, Corinna Petridou, Elion Yanko, Zane Woodson, Calú Spallicci, Mattia Di Remigio, Aki Salo, Josue Ventura, Elías Flores, Maynell Wackwitz.
Apple Watch
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