ഞങ്ങളുടെ സ്മാർട്ട്ഫോൺ കഥ,പുതിയ ഫോണിലൂടെ ചന്ദ്രനിൽ കണ്ടത്?Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra unboxing malayalam

152 Просмотры
We bought a Samsung galaxy s20 ultra smartphone from expansys japan (link below) which is supposed to be the best in the world today.


While we unbox the new Samsung s20 ultra (galaxy s20 ultra), we were looking at our old smartphones that we had, starting from Samsung galaxy s (or Samsung galaxy s2), Google nexus 5, Xiaomi redmi note 3 (or Xiaomi redmi note 4), elephone s8, apple iPhone 7, google pixel 5 etc. Out of these phones, we loved google nexus 5, the most.

Samsung galaxy s20 ultra (Samsung s20 ultra, galaxy s20 ultra, s20 ultra) is a great phone with lots of advanced features which may even beat apple iPhone 12 (apple iPhone 11 is already gone in the race). Samsung s20 ultra (galaxy s20 ultra) comes with 5G, 108 megapixels (108 MP), 100x zoom, dual sim, great night mode photography etc. Still offering a lower price than apple iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro max. Picture quality seems to be impressive on a first look.

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iphone iPhone 12
айфон, 12, сентябрь, 2020, эпл, телефон, смартфон
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