भारत में शुरू हुई मेड इन इंडिया iPhone 12 मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग जानें कब लॉन्च होगा | iPhone 12 In India

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iPhone 12 : Apple is planning to produce the upcoming iPhone 12 series locally in India. The new ‘Made in India’ model of the much-anticipated and delayed iPhone 12 series is expected to be ready for sale by mid-2021. The production is expected to begin at Narasapura plant in Bengaluru. The new plant is home to Apple’s Taiwanese contract manufacturer, Wistron. The planned investment for the manufacturing of the devices is over Rs 2,900 crore as the Taiwanese company is expected to hire up to hire 10,000 employees. Around 1,000 workers have already started working on the new project. Apple plans to launch Made in India iPhone 12 by mid 2021

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